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Mental Health Resources

At Chérie, there is nothing more important to us than mental health, which is why we've devoted ourselves to making mental health support accessible to everyone.Below, we've compiled a collection of online resources to help you cope with a variety of different mental illnesses, emotions, and challenges. *This list is Canada-specific.


Free resources in Canada - twentytwenty arts

Free/cheap resources in Canada - Moneysense

Database of therapists 

Daily supportive DMs :)

Digital safety guide for women

Virtual mental health therapy clinic

List of Canadian mental health organizations

CAMH homepage

CAMH resources and courses 

Wellness Together Canada 

Psychology of Everyday Life - Free Mental Health course

Mental health Resources in Ontario

Finding mental health resources - Be There

A-Z mental health

General resources - MHCA

All about how to seek professional mental health support

Different mental illnesses

Coping with different life problems (gender, body image, abuse, friends, etc)

Caring for your mind - different life problems (being your best self, parents, relationships)

Go ask Alice - where you can ask a team of professionals anything and view thousands of previous Q&A’s

Chat with someone who gets it- mental health forums

100 ways to get through the next five minutes

A-Z health resources (including mental health)

Its ok to ask for help - your support system wants to be there for you

Creating a safety plan

Articles about wellbeing, happiness, and self-awareness

Why you matter

Are you being taken advantage of - or are you the one taking advantage of someone else?

Mental Illness Guide | Types Of Disorders & Treatments (

Domestic violence resource guide (global)

Togetherall supportive online community

Anxiety and depression resources - Catholic Family services

Low mood advice and articles 

Anxiety disorder course - CAMH

Depression course - CAMH

Coping with emotions

Talking to parents about depression

Anxiety and youth - Anxiety Canada

Anxiety plan for children and youth - a detailed self-guided anxiety course

How friends and family can help with anxiety

Self-help strategies for social anxiety

Self-help strategies for panic disorder

Depression: how to stop feeling hopeless

How to Deal with Anxiety | Tips to Manage Stress and Reduce Anxiety (


Have you noticed that something is off? How to break the ice 

If they’re having a panic attack 

How to build trust and support someone 

How to be a good listener

How to set boundaries 

Be there for yourself, too

How to support others

Supporting friends who struggle with their mental health

Supporting someone through grief

Is someone you know unwell? - factsheet

Supporting someone who has an ED

How to be an ally to Transgender and Nonbinary young people

How to support your depressed partner

Supporting youth after a suicide loss (for parents)

How to support a suicide attempt survivor

Setting boundaries to protect yourself as a supporter

Caregiver burnout - how to tell if your supporters are burnt out

How your perspective influences your mood, personality, and action

Toxic friendships

Caring for yourself while in a relationship with someone who has a mental illness

When supporting someone else becomes constant

Compassion fatigue

Compassion fatigue self-test


PTSD, C-PTSD, and Dissociative disorder treatment

CPTSD and PTSD information and resources 

All about trauma 

PTSD self-diagnosis *Calculate your score by adding the numbers that correspond with the responses you selected. If you scored 44 or higher, it is likely that you have PTSD; however, scores approaching 40 may indicate partial PTSD. If your score is greater than 40, we recommend that you discuss the issue of PTSD with your family doctor. You might consider bringing a copy of your completed PCL to your appointment with your doctor—it can be a good starting point for your discussion. Your doctor may refer you to a healthcare professional who can provide specialized counseling and treatment for your trauma-related symptoms.

Adverse childhood experiences test

The stages of trauma recovery

Emotional and psychological trauma

Types of trauma and how to heal

How does your body remember trauma?


CPTSD resources

More CPTSD resources

What is complex trauma? A resource guide for youth

Mental health repercussions after a traumatic event


Database of helplines in Canada - super helpful

Resources for crisis - YMHC


About antidepressants

All about mental health medication

Mental health medication guide

Sleeping medication - more than just Melatonin

PTSD pharmacotherapy


Sleep resources and articles

Healthy eating resources and articles

Self care resources 

Support for everyday living

Psychological self care (intrusive thoughts)

Self check in 

Breathing exercises

Choosing healthy foods

Sleep diary

Tips for healthy living


Sleep, nutrition, and exercise are vital for your mental health

The seven pillars of self-care


Self harm/suicide advice and guidance

About self harm

About suicide

Talking about suicide

Suicide prevention chats online

Toolkit for someone impacted by a suicide loss

Amazing resources and support for suicidal people and attempt survivors

Booklet for recovery after a suicide attempt 

After a suicide attempt: a guide for family and friends

Suicide safety plan (I encourage EVERYONE to make one of these, even if you aren’t currently depressed/suicidal/in danger)

Self-harm alternatives

Specific self care options based on your emotions

Specific coping ideas and advice


MyGrief - understanding and moving through grief

Grief and mourning basics

Effects of grief (for teens)

The stages of grief 

Celebrating the birthday of a loved one who’s passed away

When your best friend dies

Dealing with guilt and grief

Your support system - asking for help (READ THIS!!)

Keeping up a connection with your lost loved one

What’s your grieving style?

Grief and self-care


What is dissociation?

All about Dissociative Identity Disorder

Advice for living with DID

People with complex mental health issues share their stories Information about DID

Dissociative disorder factsheet

About switching fronting alters

Alter functions

Forcing an alter switch


Eating disorder factsheet

Types of Eating disorders

Shared stories and advice - ED blog

Do I have an Eating Disorder? What to do

What it’s like to live with an ED

The social impacts of Eating Disorders on young people

Eating Disorder treatment options

Body image and self esteem

Body dysmorphic disorder for teens


The mental health impacts of identifying as LGBTIQA+

Coming out

Harassment and bullying (at school)

The coming out handbook

The Asexual visibility and understanding network - an online bisexual community with lots of resources 

It’s pronounced metrosexual - online resources and articles 

A guide towards Trans allyship

Self-help blog for queers 

Gender-neutral language sheet

Safety in relationships for Trans people

Queer terminology, A- Z

Chest care for Trans people

Answers and advice - gender and identity

Social media and cyber bullying guide


What Is Mental Wellness & How Do You Maintain It? (

Depression in the Elderly: Symptoms and Treatment (

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